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Today is a Good Day

My husband & I had the privilege of meeting Paul Galanti a few years ago. Paul was a POW during the Vietnam war for nearly 7 years. He told us that his motto is “Any day you wake up with a doorknob on your side of the door is a good day.” – Amazing thing to think about, right? But, how true??

There are so many things we take for granted—the often-referenced ones being our health and family. But, what there are the countless things we’ve grown accustomed to but don’t appreciate on a regular basis—our comfy beds; our closets full of clothes we picked out; our cars; our homes; coffee; clean water (844 million people live without access to clean water!).

When our thoughts are focused on how lucky we are, how much we love the people that surround us, how great our lives are, all the wonderful things we have, how much fun we’re having, we have less capacity to focus on what might be missing. We also have less interest in drama, comparisons and negativity.

Take a few minutes each day to take note of all the things you have to be grateful for. It’s such a simple thing to do, you’ll be amazed how much it can change your life. 😁

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