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Writer's pictureClaire Cleary

Keeping Promises to Yourself

As children, we’re taught to do things to get approval—from our parents, teachers, coaches. And, we instinctually look for approval from our peers and co-workers. We want to fit in. We want to be liked and respected.

While the desire for approval may get children (& pets) to do as they are told, it can keep us from pursuing our dreams, speaking our minds, being our true selves. Very frequently, people tell me that they are worried about what other people will think about them if they do something. I know I’ve had that fear. You have to ask yourself if you are really willing to hold yourself back from achieving your goals, helping others, becoming greater, championing a cause, sharing your opinions because of what someone MIGHT think?? Is it really worth it? And, keep in mind that people spend most of their time concerned with their OWN issues and what they have to do—not with thinking about you and what you are doing.

So, give yourself approval to put yourself “out there”—to express yourself, try something new, go for what you want. Really, your approval should be the only one you need to live the life you want. Imagine the freedom you’ll feel and the possibilities that await you if you just follow your heart without worrying about what other people will think. You’ll feel a weight lifted when you get out from the burden of worry. You’ll feel freer, and, you may wind up living the life of your dreams.

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