I knew I wasn’t happy.
Tortured even.
I told myself I needed to make a change.
But I was scared to make the change I needed to.
Scared to give up something I loved.
The boy.
The booze.
The parallels are clear to me now.
Both unhealthy relationships.
I tried to be strong.
But it never lasted.
I was soon back feeling powerless & crappy.
To add insult to injury, I beat myself up for staying in the cycle.
The damage I was doing to myself is clear.
But it wasn’t enough to make me change.
For years.
Until one day I decided...
It’s time.
I refuse to let myself be treated this way any longer.
By someone else.
Or myself.
It wasn’t easy.
But I only regret not doing it sooner.
Sparing myself the angst of all those years.
Taking control of your drinking starts with a decision & a commitment.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been struggling.
Or how many times you’ve tried to cut back.
You can decide & commit now and change for good.
This is what I help my clients do.
I can help you too.